Everybody's gone away
CI hear they're moving to LA
D7There ain't a soul I know around
Everybody'l leaving town
Some caught a freight, some took a plane
Catch the sunshine, leave the rain
They say this town'll waste your time
I guess they know, it's wasting mine
Some gotta win
C D7Some gotta lose
GGood time Charlie's got the blues
My crazy heart keeps telling me
You're not a kid at thirty-three
Play around you lose your wife
Play too long you lose your life
I've got my pills to ease the pain
Ain't found nothing to ease the rain
Someday I'd like to settle down
But everybody's leaving town
Since I can't figure out how to draw the tab
The whole song is a finger picking strum from G (Alternating the E and D
strings for the bass line)
Hammering on the D and B strings (to Am7 moving your bass line up to the
Dand G strings)
Moving your Am7 up 2 frets adding the B string between beats with the Dand
G strings
Hammering on back at Am7 with the D and B strings (bass still on the D&G
Back to G and the original bass line.
You can follow this strum (if you can follow it at all) to the last line of
both the verses and the refrain
where it goes to D7 and the Gand B strings slide up 2 frets and back down
to D7
play the Gstring open
Hammer on the D
and Back to The original bass strum at G
I make it sound harder than it is. It is a basic finger picking strum.
Chords Texts DANNY OKEEFE Good Time Charlies Got The Blues. Chordsound to play your music, study scales, positions for guitar, search, manage, request and send chords, lyrics and sheet music