i play C. The actual song is in drop D, but i learned it in C so just drop it two
steps down if you want it to sound right in D.
|-/6-9-9p6----------9-6----| play these two a
|---------9p7----/6--------| few times and then
|------------9p7-----------| power chord finish
|-----------------------4~-| <--- the last 4
|---------------------------------------| |--------------------------|
|-6/7~----------------------------------| |----------------12b~------|
|------------6-----9-----4-----9---9/11-| |-11b~-13b~-14b~------14b~-|
|------4-0-0-6-0-0-9-0-0-4-0-0-9-9-9/11-| |--------------------------|
|------4-0-0-4-0-0-7-0-0-2-0-0-7-9-7/9--| |--------------------------|
|------4-0-0---0-0---0-0---0-0---9------| |--------------------------|
x x x x x x x x
(the next power chord part uses this same template)
power chords again.
xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx x x
i'm gonna finish it off in a bit.